Thursday, December 25, 2008

Holiday Moods

It is the morning of December 25.   For many this is Christmas morning; for others it is the morning of day 5 of the 8 days of Hannukah; it is also Kwanza; and we are 4 days post Winter Solstice.  The beauty of lengthening days of greater light has begun.

During the last couple of days I can feel in my body, and in my emotions, that we're leading toward (notice I didn't say heading, because I truly believe that those of us reading this blog are 'leading'!) New Times.   These expansive times are a stretch for many.   Yet, I so believe that we'll find ourselves and more people coming to believe that we ARE a Soul having a human experience, one lifetime to the next.

I suspect you already feel a 'stretching' within yourself and in others.   Both in October and December I had a respiratory virus, of sorts.   The first 'illness' left me without my normal voice for was a great frustration to me.   Since I don't get sick very often, I knew there was something more happening than simply a garden variety virus.  Last week I had another 'head cold' with laryngitis.  "What's up?",  I said to myself.  With some fabulous healing herbs (WishGarden products from Boulder CO) and a nasal cleanse, Neti Pot, miraculously my voice was back in 48 hours, and I was on the mend.

I've also noticed a bit more agitation, especially at night.   This ALL tells me that I and we are being prepped for another heightening shift.  

So, hang I KNOW this is all good.  Surely, each of you knows the old phrase, "No Pain, No Gain".   Well, this is the case.  

If you just 'lead into' into the alteration and expansion of energy.....all will be well.   

This week I worked with three different clients who each needed a tune up!  For one, she was told that she is NOT from here, and her experience of dealing with life here is, at times, challenging, yet so very purposeful.  For another, we did some literal Soul Retrieval/energetic cleanse via the phone which brought forward a letting go of past hurt and trauma.  

Each of you is here at this time for very profound purpose.   Lead into that purpose, and you will continue to KNOW the why of your present life.

I wish each of you great Blessings of the Season.   Remember the Unity of Oneness that is shared by us All.

In Light and Luv, Linda

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Connecting the Dots----in various ways

Hello Bryan and Violet!

How wonderful to find both of your comments....thank you.

I so believe that telling our own story provides a more in-depth understanding to others of who we truly are.  At the same time, we spark each other's spiritual process by sharing our experiences.

Violet, I visited your blog and discovered that you and I have both traveled to some amazing places in Scotland.   Simply by traveling to powerful locations on the planet can enhance our journey of awakening.  We attach to the energy of a 'place' where perhaps we've lived before.   I share your love of Iona....where I could have stayed for days.  For those of you who do not know.....the Isle of Iona in Scotland has a very ancient monastery where the mix of Celtic mysticism began to merge with early Christianity.  

To all of you reading this blog, please ask me any question.   No question is inappropriate or strange.   If you have the question on your mind, then I bet that others have the same question and hesitate to ask.   So, fire away!!

Have a lovely week as we build to Winter Solstice in just one week.

Many Blessings, Linda

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 2008 Full Moon

December 2008 is a special month.....not that all months aren't important.   On December 12, just two days from now, the 13th Full Moon of the year will happen.    Notice the date:  12-12-2008.   Many tell us that 12-12 is a powerful opening....another stargate as some would term it.    

Full Moon in Gemini/Sagittarius - Solstice Moon - December 12 - 11:37 AM EST; 3:37 PM GMT
NOTE: The Full Moon rises the night of December 11

Laughter and chatter fill the air as the Solstice Moon rises Thursday night. The Moon in talkative, social Gemini opposes a fiery Sun-Mars conjunction in fun-loving Sagittarius. The Sun-Moon opposition squares the ongoing Saturn-Uranus opposition, forming a Grand Cross in mutable signs, the cross of changes. Jupiter in Capricorn trines Saturn in Virgo, adding a dose of practicality to the festivities. With Neptune trine the Gemini Moon, spiritual thoughts, dreams and feelings surface.

The ancients celebrated each Full Moon, and I would encourage you to do the same.  Note that talkative Gemini is exactly opposite, in astrological terms, from Sagittarius.  Gemini-types love to share their knowledge openly with an articulate depth.   Sag-types tend to be more shy and hide in the depths of their spiritual awareness.  Operating from a deep perspective, while still being open to share the core of our spiritual knowing is a lovely balance.

Now, let's take a moment to examine the number 12.   There are twelve apostles, twelve labours of Heracles, twelve houses of the zodiac, and twelve months in a year.  You can "google" the number twelve to discover more detail about the significance of 12.  Most importantly, go inside and intuitively ask for you own information about the purpose and meaning of 12:12.  Trust that when a number continues to occur repetitively in your life there is meaning.   I've discovered that often when your birthday has a date similar to yours (such as yours is Jan 9 and your mate's is June 9) is likely that you have a soul level relationship with that other person.

I hope to hear from many of you about what has been triggered from my writing.

With Blessings, Linda

I do believe

welve is one of the perfect numbers, three is divine perfection, seven is spiritual perfection, ten is ordinal perfection and twelve is governmental Twelve is one of the perfect numbers, three is divine perfection, seven is spiritual perfection, ten is ordinal perfection and twelve is governmental perfection. It is thus that the children of Israel are divided into twelve tribes. Even though there are in actuality thirteen tribes, every time they are listed only twelve are listed. Similarly in the New Testament Jesus chose for himself twelve apostles.. It is thus that the children of Israel are divided into twelve tribes. Even though there are in actuality thirteen tribes, every time they are listed only twelve are listed. Similarly in the New Testament Jesus chose for himself twelve apostles.
Twelve is the product of three times four and the significance of both of these numbers can usually be seen in twelve. Three is divine perfection and usually denotes things from or of God, thus wee see that perfect government can only exist when God is involved, in particular we shall only have perfect government when God rules all. Four is the number of the world and the creation, thus we see the perfect governments connection to that which is governed. It is the things of this world, the nature of this world that it needs to be governed. is one of the perfect numbers, three is divine perfection, seven is spiritual perfection, ten is ordinal perfection and twelve is governmental perfection. It is thus that the children of Israel are divided into twelve tribes. Even though there are in actuality thirteen tribes, every time they are listed only twelve are listed. Similarly in the New Testament Jesus chose for himself twelve apostles.
Twelve is the product of three times four and the significance of both of these numbers can usually be seen in twelve. Three is divine perfection and usually denotes things from or of God, thus wee see that perfect government can only exist when God is involved, in particular we shall only have perfect government when God rules all. Four is the number of the world and the creation, thus we see the perfect governments connection to that which is governed. It is the things of this world, the nature of this world that it needs to be governed. is one of the perfect numbers, three is divine perfection, seven is spiritual perfection, ten is ordinal perfection and twelve is governmental perfection. It is thus that the children of Israel are divided into twelve tribes. Even though there are in actuality thirteen tribes, every time they are listed only twelve are listed. Similarly in the New Testament Jesus chose for himself twelve apostles.

Twelve is the product of three times four and the significance of both of these numbers can usually be seen in twelve. Three is divine perfection and usually denotes things from or of God, thus wee see that perfect government can only exist when God is involved, in particular we shall only have perfect government when God rules all. Four is the number of the world and the creation, thus we see the perfect governments connection to that which is governed. It is the things of this world, the nature of this world that it needs to be governed.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday Morning Musing

Hello Everyone.....

On this Sunday morning I am in the 'South'.....meaning the southern states of the US.   Earl and I lived from 1971-1984 in North Carolina where Earl took his first teaching position as a 'newbie' political science professor.  We were 23 and 24 years old respectively as Earl, our 18 month-old son, and I trekked across the US in a station wagon pulling a U-Haul trailer which held all of our earthly belongings.  The South is rich with a historical perspective not held in the western states where we'd grown up.   Plus, I'd never seen either a spring or fall that was quite so dramatic with colors and lush growth that I still miss.  

Yet, the story and purpose of my blog this morning isn't exactly about the South.   We're in Memphis TN with a full client schedule and our first presentation tied to my book, Bringing Your Soul to Light ( available for pre-order and will be in hand within a month).

Hosting us in their home are nearly our favorite cousins (I must be politically correct here...tisk, tisk!).   So, it's a rare treat to have this much time with them. get to the 'meat' of this blog.   I've known for a number of years that my most recent past life happened during the Holocaust where I was a young Jewish girl whose home was 'trashed' late one night.  I was demanded and commanded to instantly leave my parents and brother and was  drug away to a concentration camp.   I believe that I traveled in the box car of a train with my dear, elderly uncle to whom I clung for life itself.

My job at the camp was to move from bed to bed in the make-shift infirmary with seriously ill and dying people.   I wiped whatever orifice was in need and simply attempted to provide love and compassion to these people in misery.   The image I experienced during one past life regression was coming upon a semblance of a cot where my emaciated dear uncle lay dying.   I crawled into the bed made of a stretched piece of rough material strung between four posts and held my uncle until he took his last gasp of earth's air.   Upon being asked by the therapist if I KNEW the soul of my uncle in my present life I quickly responded that this was my dear cousin of today with whom I feel very close.

The cousin that I mention is the cousin's house where I've been for four days.  Last evening I had a beautiful experience having a discussion about the past life I believed to be true.....and listening to my cousin relate elements of what he potentially considered to be validation of the past life memory.   Though there was not a sudden acceptance of my Holocaust story by my cousin, there was also not a strong casting-aside either.   

This is the means by which we, who are either tentative believers or full-fledged believers in past lives and reincarnation,  need to step gingerly into presenting the possibility of the Law of Rebirth.   

I do believe it is our commitment to offer to certain other people the possibility and potential explanation for interests, pulls, and fascinations that we have lived before and will live again.

I invite your discussion of this topic and will happily and purposely respond to your thoughts.

Thanks for listening to my musing this Sunday morning in the South.

Great Luv, Linda